The Black Bears, the Polar Bears, the Brown Bears and the Grizzly bears

Bear species and dangerous bear attacks in the world
These beautiful Bears and bear attacks mostly take place in North America, South America, Europe and the Asian continent.
With the diversity of different bear habitat there are different bear species. The most dangerous bears are found in the American continent. The American black bear (ursinus americanus) is mostly found in many parts of North America North American countries such as Canada, USA, Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Colombia, Venezuela, panama Honduras and Guatemala which accounts for many dangerous animal attacks together with the polar bear (ursinus. maritimus). On the other hand, the spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) just as dangerous as the American black bear, these deadly animals are found in the Andean region of South America and mostly in Argentina , Bolivia , Chile , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru and Venezuela .
In South Asia with different diverse of animal species and bear species the sun bear (Helarctos malayanus) is mostly found in Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Burma, Bhutan and Bangladesh where as the great the sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) is also a part of this region as well. With different geographical features and land mass, the Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus) is mostly found in countries such as Myanmar , Thailand , Vietnam , Cambodia , Malaysia , Philippines and Indonesia .
The mighty brown bear (ursinus. arctos), from parts of Europe mainly in Norway, UK, France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, central Asia republics, Russia, Japan and mostly in Canada and the United States of America
Polar Bear attacks are dangerous grizzly bear attacks are not just found in the North American region mainly Canada and many parts of the USA but when people such as mountain climbers, back packers and mountain bikers and people who go camping always fall victims of dangerous bear attacks. Who would want to get killed by a grizzly or a black bear. Although romor has it that many bear attack are mostly faced by hunters, hikers and campers, these beautiful creatures can be your next door neighbour depending on what part of the world you are living in. Bears can get very aggressive, but if you know what to do to prevent possible attacks, you can keep yourself and those with you safe.

Bear education and information

Bear encounters and bear attacks

What are the main causes of dangerous bear attacks encounters?

Bear hunting and endangered species

Those who are unaware of thee bears who are also experts in climbing trees are left at the mercy of the dangerous bears and the only rule of thumb is to play dead. For those who have the guts to face the bears on a one on one, many bears always would charge to defend their food.
A bear bluff is always a good warning for any sane person to think twice and back off leaving the bear in peace otherwise face the giant razor sharp claws of the bear which can dismember your neck with a single blow before mauling your neck, arms and legs. Many of the bear attacks are always preventable so long as some few prevention mechanisms are well put into place such as warning a bear that you are in its locality. Spotting any bear tracks on the ground can give you a heads start of what to expect or to backtrack and follow another rout with less bear markings or bear sightings.

Bear country and and causes of attacks
Given many different bear habitats one wonders as to why other people are attacked with bears while visiting the same bear country or woodland. With different bear living conditions and lifespan, different seasons have their own bear story encounters. Bears go for hibernation and when they come out after those long periods of starvation with its new cabs following behind; being caught in the middle of such a bear family is already a justified cause for the mother bear to attack.
Inmost cases people like to go in the woods during spring and while the mother bear is also up in the trees looking for bear fruits, bear nuts and barks of trees to chew, many victims of bear attacks get a kick start as trackers or campers tend to feed the bear cubs unknowingly of the mother bear presence in the nearby woods. Feeding of animals is a thing which should be avoided while you are out the in the jungle. Let it not be the cause of many unfolding events which could be just seconds away from disaster and end up being airlifted with your life hanging by the thread.
Inmost cases people like to go in the woods during spring and while the mother bear is also up in the trees looking for bear fruits, bear nuts and barks of trees to chew, many victims of bear attacks get a kick start as trackers or campers tend to feed the bear cubs unknowingly of the mother bear presence in the nearby woods. Feeding of animals is a thing which should be avoided while you are out the in the jungle. Let it not be the cause of many unfolding events which could be just seconds away from disaster and end up being airlifted with your life hanging by the thread.
As it has been in many cases in bear country, with all the bear precaution measures being in cooperated and adhered to, lets all remember that it’s a jungle out there. With all the smell which you leave behind, every twig that you break and every drop of your belonging that you leave behind will always give many of the dangerous wild animals in their habitat a very good trail to follow you day in and day out.
With their good sense of smell, bears are some of the best animals with a very good sense of smell as they can pinpoint your exact location. In many National Parks in the USA such as the Yellowstone National park and other controlled wildlife environment, wildlife protected areas and animal sanctuaries have strategically well placed bear-proof trash bins available in different parts of these hungry predators to keep and to keep other dangerous animals from lurking around the area which might be a mere cause for imminent animal attack.

With lonesome or multiple bears on your trail for many campers and hackers, good terrain or climbing shoes will come in handy; a good pair of binoculars to search and scan any bears in the distance or around the campsite once in a while is a must for all people going into these bear habitats. Bear pepper sprays, a pair of pocket knife or a walking stick night save you from that extra degree with that bear preparation set of tools.
Responsible for: An estimated 500-1000 fatalities a year.
Hangs out in: North America, Canada, North Pole, Russia and isolated pockets around the world.
Method of dispatch: There are many different sub-species of bear and not all of them are vicious. However, the polar, black and grizzly varieties are deadliest. Bears will trample, maul and generally savage their prey until they’re frightened off or finish the job; and will attack for a variety of reasons, hunger being one. You should always keep food well away from your camp.
Useful avoidance techniques: If you are faced with an angry bear (categorised by snorting, false bluffs, ground beating, etc), slowly back away from the bear, watching it all the while. DO NOT turn and run. If it continues to act aggressively, you should respond in kind by shouting and throwing sticks and stones while continuing to back away. If a bear is upon you, fight back as you will stand a better chance of survival than if you play dead.
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