SEO Dangerous Jellyfish | Encyclopedia of wild dangerous Animals

Dangerous Jellyfish

October 25, 2011 for the latest animal attacks news click on the link  below


What types of jellyfish are found in our oceans here?
The Moon jelly

 Blue Angels
(Anges Bleus)
Just like in any summertime in all ocean waters of the world, the most common types of large jellyfish that are mostly found are the Moon Jelly (Aurelia aurita) which is a clear, flattened disk jellyfish. The moon jelly has very many tinny tentacles around the edge. The major distinction with the moon jelly is the pink four-leaf clover design situated in the center. Swimmers should not be alarmed very mush as far as the moon jelly is concerned as it has a very mild sting.

How do Jellyfish sting and what do they eat?
What would happen when all what you were thinking for was the gold medal in a triathlon only to see jellyfish tentacles trailing behind the swimming bell. Jellyfish are of many varieties and sizes. The most dangerous jellyfish can be found in many parts of the world and at different time and places both in the deep and shallow waters of the all world’s ocean.

At about 60 centimeters in length, the lion's mane jellyfish tentacles can reach around five meters long. The jellyfish tentacles have thousands of stinging cells that when they come into contact with other foreign bodies or while in danger will use its defense mechanism to inject toxins to kill tiny animals or  stun  the. This is always the case where jellyfish are responsible for the stings that swimmers are inflicted with feel.
Jellyfish mode of food intake.

If you were a small fish in the ocean and after being stung, there is always less chance of survival and survival of the fittest and the scrambling for food in the ocean is always something to recon with.
Beautiful Box jellyfish

The Box Jellyfish is the Most Dangerous

Having been paralyzed by the jellyfish sting, the jellyfish tentacles would transport you up the central tentacles which is heart-shaped and contains abundant gastric pouches in the swimming bell where you would be digested.  Like any other sea creatures, jellyfish are good swimmers and feed without end as all jellyfish are prodigious predators. As people say, many hands make light work, the jellyfish can search food and eat with out being bothered of who is in front or behind as they don’t have eyes and primarily depend on their tentacles which work independently to hold food and take it for processing. The broad tentacles spectrum gives the jellyfish a very large surface area to search for food and get hold of it.

Jellyfish mostly known to feed on tinny crustaceans called copepods that are available in any see or ocean while their counterparts who live if  fresh water consume minnows, anchovy eggs, worms, mosquito larvae, and comb jellies, so they would seldom be without something to eat.

The sting-masters of the sea, Jellyfish are usually passive drifters who use their tentacles to dredge up small prey. However, anyone who becomes entangled with a jellyfish will experience degrees of pain from a nasty nip to excruciating pain, depending on the species. The box jellyfish is one of the most venomous marine creatures in the world; a sting can kill a man within minutes and most fatalities occur following a brush with a toxic jelly like this.
Responsible for: Jellyfish are responsible for about  100 fatalities a year.
Jellyfish habitat: Most of the dangerous jellyfish are found in Northern Australia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, North American coast, Thailand and Vietnam.
Method of dispatch: When a jellyfish wants to attack, the jellyfish unwinds its coiled stinging tentacles. With a split of a second, the jellyfish with great energy, fires them at the victim and then pumps their venom to paralyse the  recipient, usually manifesting itself as cardiac arrest in humans.
Useful avoidance techniques: At any time when you find yourself  swimming in an area where there are known jellyfish, you should  wear a sting-suit. However, if you are stung, get out of the water pronto and apply vinegar to any stings remaining embedded in the flesh to remove the venom, then brush or lift off using a credit card, stick or similar.
Moon jellyfish
Australian jellbox fish
venomous kill in less
than 20minutes

Pulau Stinless jellyfish

White sported

Amazing Jellyfish

Crown Jellyfish

Purple stripped jellyfish

transparent jellyfish

Flower hat Jellyfish

Purple-Striped Jellyfish,
chrysaora colorata,

Purple-Striped Jellyfish,
Southern California

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