October 25, 2011 for the latest animal attacks news click on the link below
Top Ten World’s Dangerous animals.
Why do we call them dangerous animals? To many, these beautiful animals have been a source of inspiration; Love such as the lion king or the famous Man eaters of Tsavo, livelihood for the African safari industry, medical breakthrough for the cure of cancer by the blue scorpion, a source of food from the crocodile meat, shelter and clothing for the Arctic and grizzly bears and Asian elephants as a course of man power

While the African elephant and the Indian elephant a very little difference, they are part of the top ten worlds most dangerous animals of the world as they also take the title as the biggest land mammals in the world. The different rattlesnake species the venomous cobra top the list in many parts of the world while the Giant hippopotamus and the giant jellyfish are topping the list of the top most dangerous animals to opinions of many people. The top ten worlds’ most dangerous animals is not complete if the great white shark is not part of this special top ten list of the most dangerous animals of the world.

When do these animal attack, how do this animals attack and why do these animals attack is still what puzzles many but with the demise of the animal habitat, animal feeding grounds and with little knowledge about animals.We still need to have very good animal facts as too why these dangerous animals attack and how to best protect ourselves from these animals.
Reasons why these dangerous animals in the world attack.
Animal hunger, protection of the animal’s territory, protection of the baby animals and the sheer animal protection negligence or unforeseen incidences and how to handle and to act within a wounded animal environment are some of the best reasons as to why these dangerous animals attack. These are just part of the big game as to why these top ten ferocious animals of the world top the list. While its takes a provocation for an animal to attack, other dangerous animals such as the great white sharks do not need a provocation to attack. You just need to learn how these animals operate and be safe from these dangerous creatures on earth
With over 40 children dying every day of malaria in the countries of Asia e.g., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, South America such as Peru, Columbia, Bolivia etc, Africa mainly Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Somali, Rwanda, Chad and the rest of South and central Africa, the mosquito is the most deadliest dangerous animal/ insect/ creature in the world killing over 750000 killed every year and rendering a quarter billion cases to be reported every year worldwide. The cure for the most dangerous animal causing malaria is still yet to be perfected as this deadliest killer has been difficult to eradicate in our natural environment. With other mosquito related viruses such as the dengue virus is just another form of attack which has caused many death to many parts of Brazil, Thailand, Cuba, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Philippines, Honduras, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, India and Pakistan.
The biggest and the most Venomous Snakes in the greatest African jungles, the Australian desert snakes, the vast Asia farm lands such as India, China, Pakistan and North America such as Mexico, United States, Canada, Jamaica, Haiti, Panama the Amazon jungle and rainforest possess the deadliest and most venomous snakes in the world. Many deadly snake bites are not being reported while snake bite treatment doesn’t come when needed proper diagnostics and medication is not available in many of the areas where these dangerous animal attacks are located. With many snake attack cases not being reported in many of the third world countries due to proper logistics, a lot more dangerous snake bites are always unaccounted for

The lion know as the King of the jungle works hard to protect of his pride and family as well. The male lion can move long distances looking for food and will not hesitate to kill any other animals which comes into its territory or if its hungry.
The deadliest African Nile and Salt water crocodiles.
The biggest African Nile crocodile and the Asian salt water crocodile not forgetting the Australian giant crocodile have been on the top as the biggest or largest crocodiles in history. Blessed with the greatest powerful jays and teeth and stealth cores of dangerous animal attacks have been reported in many of the African rivers, Indian Great lakes and the waters of Australia which possess some of the largest and longest crocodiles and alligators in the world responsible for many deaths to people who thong these dangerous and deadly waters and succumb to their death and become part of history in the greatest dangerous animal encounters of the decade.
The dangerous brown, the black, the snow Grizzly bears
The greatest African Savanna elephant unlike their already extinct North African forest elephants have not been tamed fully and this goes way back to the great Maurya Empire in 305 BC when the elephants were difficult to tame for the purpose of war. On the other hand, Sri Lankan elephants were larger, fiercer and better for war than local elephants. Given all these elegant elephant qualities, these tamed and untamed elephants have all the qualities of possessing danger instilled in their natural brain hence their ferocious attacks when they come in to contact when angered. These natural predators have killed many people in India , Africa, Sri Lanka , Indonesia , Myanmar and many parts where these giant elephants have set foot. The Elephant stampede and kicks would incapacitate a human being within no time. Being dragged with the giant trunk up in the air only to lands in the open ground where as the giant elephant tusks will not spare an inch of you and live you hanging on the thread, These creatures are nothing to dare with as there is still more we need to learn from them despite the fact that a good natural African safari is not complete with out the sight of an elephant.
The most deadliest African Black Scorpion
The deadliest African Nile and Salt water crocodiles.

Its funny to know that the beautiful Hippopotamus is in the brink of being extinct and its one of the greatest animals which cannot jump. The animal with the longest canines in the world, the great African hippopotamus has gone on record in taking some of the most dangerous crocodiles to their death in many rivers and lakes of Africa .The hippopotamus is mainly found in Kenya, Uganda Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, South Africa and some pockets within the African countries. People and other land and sea animals that come in between the mother hippopotamus and the baby hippopotamus are always in danger just like the grizzly bear which out of its animal instinct will attack without warning to defend its family. Boats have been toppled, farmers have been chased from their homestead while these nocturnal creatures forage for food and land animal of the great ricers and lakes of Africa deserves to be part of the Top ten most dangerous animals not only in Africa but of the world as well.
The dangerous brown, the black, the snow Grizzly bears
Despite the fact that teddy bears portray a lot of love and affection when held close, wait until you come face to face with a giant grizzly bear. The Arctic snow bear, the black bear and the brown bear all share part of the top ten most dangerous animals of the modern world. With their protection being enforces in many states, The Grizzly bears just like the African lion have very powerful paws and clays in the world and when you are clobbered with them, you will automatically lose part of your body. These dangerous animals have found easy access to many parts of human environment. Caution and neglect has lead to many animal or bear attacks which could have been prevented both in Canada and USA . Unlike the African and lion which will maul you and finish you, the bear will only end its dangerous attack if it perceives there is no threat or imminent danger and if the old saying goes when you play dead as the same goes with the dangerous African and Asian elephant. Already in the endangered species list, bears in different parts of the country whether in zoos, animal sanctuaries or in the wilderness will always portray their animal instincts as they have a very sharp sense of smell and hearing great distances. Caution I the bear habitat is always advice to minimize casualties.

The most deadliest African Black Scorpion
With some of the most beautiful colors, the scorpions with their tinny size have brought more pain to people in may parts of the world without knowing what really bite them. Being considered as one of the most dangerous animal or insect in the world, many different parts of the world from the African Savannah to the cold and hot desert of Australia and many regions of the north and South America and Europe . The deadly poisonous scorpion sting will kill you f you don’t get proper medication. Handling, walking and stepping into scorpion infested areas are some of the causes of many scorpion bites. Don’t take a chance to consider them small in size, They are extremely dangerous and poisonous in nature. Though they are found all over the world but particularly in Africa, Americas and Central Asia the black scorpion, blue scorpion and the brown scorpion are among the most dangerous scorpions in the world..
The moon jelly topping the most dangerous animals in the jellyfish family
Do you ever wonder why such beautiful names of the jellyfish species could end up being in the list of the most dangerous animals in the world. Moon Jellyfish, Lion's Mane/Winter Jelly, Cannonball Jelly/ Cabbage Head Jellyfish, Mushroom Jelly, Southern Moon Jelly, Sea Nettle Sea Wasp , Portuguese Man-of-War, Bluebottle, Immortal Jellyfish, Irukandji, Flat Jellyfish. These aquatic beautiful animals come in different sizes, big and small, blue, red, pink rainbow colored jellyfish. These seamless beautiful sea animals are some of the most dangerous animals to encounter for swimmers and fishermen. With many attacks mostly found in beautiful beaches of Florida, Miami, Darwin, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia Vietnam
The great dangerous white sharks
The great dangerous white sharks
The most dangerous oceans in the world have produced the most dangerous creatures not to mention the dangerous jellyfish and the great Sharks. The great tiger sharks, the great white sharks, oceanic Whitetip sharks and the bull sharks top the list in human attacks and other marine animals too. Whether provoked or unprovoked sharks have the highest sense of smell and will not hesitate to attack with the faintest drop of blood. With over one hundred death reported every year in the whole world in many parts of the world such as the south African coast at Gansbaai, South Africa (aka “Shark Alley”) Kosi Bay, Kwa-Zulu-Natal, South Africa, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA, Bolinas, California, Recife, Brazil, Lake Nicaragua, Nicaragua, Reunion Island, West End, Grand Bahamas, Mombasa, Japan, Pakistan, Hawaii. Surfers, fishermen, lone swimmers with yellow or orange colors do attract theses dangerous sharks and many end up to be victims of dangerous attacks which results into over one hundred most dangerous shark attacks in the world.
HAVE A Nice Day and a Better Night While you are out there.