October 25, 2011. for the latest animal news click on the link below
The venomous snake
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King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) |
The Blind snake (Family Typhlopidae and ) Thread Snake Family Leptotyphlopidae)
These snakes are known to be the primitive snakes which consist of around 175 known species of the blind snakes in Asia, Africa, america, Australia as there are around 80 specie of the tread snakes as they are mostly found in the warmer parts of the different parts of the world. All the blind snakes and thread snakes are small and can only reaach a length of about 2feet. Since these snakes are burrowers and tend to look like warms, many people fear them but the matter of the truth they are harmless and toothless. Their bodies are mostly composed of overlapping scales with is distinctive tinny head and tinny eyes.The blind snakes are not venomous and are not responsible for any snake attacks as people always think worldwide.
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Thread Snake non venomous snake |
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Flower pot snake non venomous snake |
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Blind snake non venomous snake |
All snakes have the same natural streamlined shape or bodies. There are a few snakes like the viper the most venomous snake responsible for many dangerous snake attacks which have false horns and the water snake which has tentacles or fillers. Snakes like warm areas such as the Tropics where they function very well. These are the places where you have many animal attacks or snake attacks. Farmers, or people working in the agricultural industry find themselves prey to snakes In the colder regions, snakes are forced to remain inactive in their barrows, dens and crevices and tend to hibernate during the winter.
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Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) |
Boas and Pythons are among the giant and the biggest snakes in the world. So far, there are 37 known species of boas while only 27 species of pythons are known. These venomous boas and pythons are very peculiar with their special vestiges of hind limbs which are always viewed as spurs at the rear end of their tail. Most boas and pythons are found within the tropical areas of the world while some can still be found in the temperate climate. The boas and pythons are responsible of some of the most dangerous snake attacks cases in the world Boas and pythons are masters when it comes to getting their food which is mostly by constriction of their prey which they normally do by their sensitive tongue which can sense their prey's body heat even in the dead of the night. The major difference between a boa and a python is that like any other reptile, they lay eggs while pythons give birth to live pythons.
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Snakes are amazing creatures. They are not vegetarians like human beings but some are pure dangerous venomous carnivorous. Their type of food can range from frogs both on land and under water, rats in their tinny holes and deadly spiders from the African jungles to the American hot deserts, birds or all colors and sizes, not forgetting the slow slugs, tinny eggs found on the ground and any four legged wild animal or two legged human being. There is always a hungry snake which is always ready to make a meal out of any creature on land
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Emerald tree boa (Corallus canisus) |
With the ability to swallow food exceeds the diameter of their heads, snakes only use their front teeth to grab its pray inwardly. Bigger snakes like the King snakes, boas and pythons immobilize their pray by constriction. Vipers are feared very much as they are known to have the longest fangs. The rattle snake will only take a few seconds to produce a deadly bite which would involve striking its prey, injecting the venom and backing off from its prey. Just like all dangerous scorpions, snakes will only utilize their deadly venom if they feel their lives are at stake hence the deadly force is utilized which makes them responsible for for most of the deadly snakes attacks in many parts of the world.
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Pacific Island Constrictor (Condoia aspera) |
We should always be ready to know and inform others the risk and exposure which we encounter to poisonous snakes. The best way of how to identify dangerous poisonous snakes is a big milestone in finding thee quickest remedy and medical help and how to prevent snake bites in the future.
With proper education, information and communication within the community, workplaces and social gatherings such information about what they should do if they are bitten by a snake is very vital even for future use as from any2,000 species of snake, 450 of which are poisonous snakes, only 250 have the required venom at their disposal of killing a man.
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Rainbow Boa (Epicrates cenchria cenchria |
Responsible for: There are as many as 170-225 deadly snake attacks fatalities a year.
Snake habitat and location: Most dangerous and venomous snakes are found in the Africa continent south of the Sahara, while in Asia most snake bites take place in rice, wheat, rubber plantations just to mention a few while Europe, the swampy areas and semi desert regions are home to many snake species and Australia has is own native snakes ranging from the coastal areas to the desert mountain snakes while both south and North America have their own species and contribute to a variety of snake encounters while in the while in the woodland and many designated snake habitat
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RedTailed Boa Constrictor |
Method of dispatch:Snakes are very fast and any part of the human body is a good place for a bite, seeing as the venom can flow into the bloodstream within minutes; although those near major veins and arteries will travel faster. Snakes use their venom to paralyse their prey. A fully grown king cobra can rear up so it looks a man in the eye; others can spit venom into the eye which will leave you blind and gasping for air a nasty deadly snake attack that you would not wish for.
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Rosy boa small (Lichamura trivirgata) |
The sharp snake bite fangs always leave to distinctive visible tinny marks on the wound
Just like a mosquito bite redness is accompanied by swelling which gradually increases around the bite. The person starts to feel pain which can be very excruciating at the of the bite
People tend to salivate a lot, some people tend to vomit while some experience a nausea feeling and sweating
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Kenyan sand boa (Eryx colubrinus loveridgii) |
Vision becomes blurry some experience impaired vision sometimes difficulty to see
Face numbness and tingling occurs in different parts of the body
Steps to be taken to prevent snake bites
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Calabar Ground python (Calabaria reinharditti) |
For all campers and picnic makers and nature loving people staying far from tall grass and dead piles of leaves decreases your chance of not only being bitten by a snake but any other venomous insect such as scorpions too.
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Burmese Python (Python molorus) |
Dead trees and logs on the ground are good breeding places of snakes where you wouldn’t want to set your foot on.
Taking a walk in the park is very good for health but these nocturnal creatures when stepped on r surprised by your presence will leash their fangs on you if you don’t have good protective gear on your fragile hands, legs and feet.
Wearing protective gloves when handling things withing the snake environments is very necessary.
Sitting or laying down helps but this should be done in such a way that the snake bite wound should be at a lower level from the heart position.
Note the color of the snake which has bitten you in case it is still around or let people search for it while others attend to you as it will aid in finding the right anti venom for your snake bite treatment.
Try to look for medical help as soon as possible
As human nature kicks in, people always panic which not advisable. Keeping calm and still and tends to prevent the snake venom from spreading quickly into your blood stream.
Always inform the people around you or use your phone to get hold of someone who can reach you with ease.
Apply first aid if you cannot get to the hospital right away.
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Reticulated python (Python reticulatus) |
Wash the bite with an antiseptic soap and clean water is recommended.
Infection always starts if the wound is not covered and if the applied dressing is not clean.
Things that are a No! No! during a snake bite
Trying to pick up the snake might aggravate it to even more anger hence more casualties as it tries to defend itself.
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Black headed python (Aspidites melanocephalus) |
One should make haste and get medical help.
Applying any ointment or tourniquet makes the wound susceptible to even a graver danger of reaction with the infected part.
Using a sharp object trying to open the wound for blood to come out or to such out the venom might do more harm but just increases your pain and misery and leads to more infection on the open wound to set in.
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Carpet python (Morelia spilotes variegata) |
Although ice does a lot of tricks in many areas of treatment and healing to the body, as far as snake bites are concerned, rule number one is no ice on snake bites wounds and do not let your infected part dive into the water and let it be submerged. It might drown you while your head is still up and high..
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Bismarck Python (Liasi Boa) |
This deadly venomous snake has some connection with the ancient German leader hence its name Bismarck Python Liasi Boa. This python snake when measured has lengths reaching up to 6 feet and one of the largest python species. The Bismarck Python is recognized with black rings and sometimes a mixture of blackish brown with a tint of lighter mark just next to the snakes eye and tends to go away when the snake matures.
Snake food and habitat.The Bismarck Python is found in Papua New Guinea forests and tends to hunt in the night.
Snake Facts. The Bismark Python is very venomous snake considered a venomous endangered species, female snake lays a about at a time. A snake grabber tool is a must to handle such snake or you will become another victim of snake attack in history.
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Water Python (Liasis Fuscus) |
The great Water Python. (Liasis Fuscus) is a very well known deadly venomous snake. This python snake can reach a length of 5feet to 10 feet and considered on of the longest python in the world . It is blessed with shinny iridescent scales and overall it is a blackish brown snake.
Snake food and habitat. The Water Python is a native of Northern Australian region and the Lesser Sunda Islands and some parts of New Guinea where snake bites are common. The Water Snake feeds on birds, rats and small mammals which live near rivers, swamps and lakes.
Snake Facts. Can be many within a smalls square kilometer area. Female lays a dozen eggs. Its considered very poisonous and an endangered species. One of the most dangerous snakes always to look out for while in the wilderness. Snake handling tools come in handy for such a slippery snake.
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Green Tree Python (Chondropython Viridis) |
The Green Tree Python (Chondropython Viridis) is a very venomous snake. This python snake is known for its ambush tactics. It always places its head in the center and folds its body. The Green tree python can grow for a length of around 6ft and taken as one of the longest snakes in Australia. it is very distinctive with its emerald green and some beautiful yellow and white scales along the spine.
Snake food and habitat. The green tree python catches birds and other small mammals. It is common in areas of North Eastern Australia and New Guinea not to mention the humid rain forests where snake bite cases are part of living with with nature.
Snake Facts. The green tree python eggs normally take 50days to hatch and also one of the extremely poisonous endangered snake species. As one of the largest snakes, it should not be dared with without a snake grabber.
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Rough scaled python (Morelia Carinata) |
The Rough scaled python (Morelia Carinata) a very venomous snake can each a length of about 6 feet which is one of the longest snakes in the world. This python snake has its distinctive brown color with some blend of shinny keeled scales.
Snake food and habitat. As one of the most dangerous snakes in the world,it is found mainly in the rain forest and other rocky mountainous regions, the rough scaled python feeds on small birds and other small mammals. Those who tread these localities are also prone to snake bites and care should be taken to minimize casualties at all cost. Education and information has to take place.
Snake facts. It is a rare species and definitely a very venomous and endangered snake in the world. A snake not to joke with not even to dream of this kind of snake for a pet.
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Amethystine Python (Morelia Amethistina) |
The Amethystine Python Morelia Amethistina is no matter one of Australia's longest python. This Australia's python snake can reach a length of about 28 feet.This venomous snake has a nice slim neck as distinction, It has bands of black and overall olive beautiful irregular scales
Snake food and habitat. The Amethystine python is a junk of eating small mammals from rats to birds and bats too. Mostly found in the forests mainly in New Guinea, Savannah vegetation of the Northern parts of Australia as this Amethystine python tends to satisfy its hunger and hunt for their prey at night.
Snake Facts. The eggs take 3months for the snake babies to be hatched and usualy 8 to 20 eggs are laid.. It is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world.
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Sea krait. (Laticauda Colubrina) |
There are about 240 of these front fanged snakes allover the world. The short fangs are properly fixed and designed for pumping all the venom they have in their glands for the maximum in capacitation of their prey. These front fanged snakes are locals of the Australian continent and all the warmer regions of the world.
Snake description. Sea krait Laticauda Colubrina
The sea krait is a very venomous snake and is found in most beaches and oceans can be found in plenty when they come ashore. The sea krait usually measures 5 feet. This water snake has some cross bands of gray while the true color is blue.
Snake food and habitat. The sea krait being an aquatic and land snake feeds mostly on fish who are sleeping at night. It is mostly found in India, along the south pacific islands Indonesia and Malaysia
Snake facts. This deadly and dangerous sea and land snake comes to the shore to lay eggs. Swimmers always encounter these poisonous snakes and the results are always fatal. A snake handling equipment should be handy if one wants to have a closer look or shoo-sh it away A snake to look out for always.
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Fierces snake (Parademansia microlepidota ) |
The Fierces snake (Parademansia microlepidota) is non other than one og the biggest snake killer in the world. With enough poison to kill over 250000 rats. The fierce snake come with a range of brown with black marks on the sides reaching lengths of 6feet with a nice black head
Snake Food and Habitat: The fierce snake is a popular snake along South Wales, Queensland and many parts Australia mostly eating rats found in the deserts and dry plains
Snake facts. Fierces snake was responsible for eating the plague rats and a venomous snake of its kind hence the name fierce snake to live to its mark.
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Black Tiger Snake (Notechis ater) |
The Black Tiger Snake (Notechis ater) has nothing to do with a tiger but have strong wide heads with a pitch black tone. The Black Tiger Snake can reach up to 8 feet.
Snake Food and Habitat:Most of the Black Tiger Snake are found in Tasmania, Southern and western Australia with nice hiding places along the mash lands and dry rocky desert mountains with plenty of food composed of birds and rats
Snake facts. The young snakes 5 to 20 when they are born feed on lizards as they continue to increase the deadly venomous counts.
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Eastern Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus |
Mostly found in a combination of a mixture of gray, green and black
Snake facts. Eastern Tiger Snake Notechis scutatus is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world
Snake Food and Habitat: Eastern Tiger Snake lives mainly in the East and South Eastern Australia
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collett's snake (Pseudechis colletti) |
Snake Description: Collett's snake (Pseudechis colletti)
Snake Food and Habitat: The Collett's snake is found mostly in central Queensland along The Great Dividing range of Australia
Snake facts. This kind of snake is very venomous and taking caution not to be bitten by this kind of snake is the best option.
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Deadly Taipan Snake. The most poisonous snake in the world |
Snake Description:Deadly Taipan Snake (Oxyyuranus scutellatus)
Snake Food and Habitat: The Taipan Snake is found in no other than Australia feeding on small reptiles and other mammals
Snake facts.This is probably one of the most poisonous snake in the world
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Death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus) |
Snake Description: Death adder (Acanthophis antarcticus)
Snake Food and Habitat: The death adder snake has a lot of reputation in many parts of Australian forests, deserts and along the rivers.
Snake facts. Death adders are very venomous snakes and give birth to live baby snakes
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King Brown Snake (Pseudechis australis) |
Snake Description: King Brown Snake (Pseudechis australis)
Snake Food and Habitat: The Brown king snake is a native of Australia with its diverse natural habitat
Snake facts. King Brown Snake eats a lot of cane frogs. With its presence in its natural habitat. It also reduces these dangerous frogs which could be harmful to other animals in the habitat
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Coral Snake (Micruroides euryxanthus) |
Snake Food and Habitat: Many parts of Mexico and Arizona are places where you can easily get a glimpse of this rastafarian snake
Snake facts. Coral Snake is very dangerous and feeds mostly on snakes
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Eastern Coral Snake (Micrurus falvius) |
Snake Food and Habitat: No other place on earth would you find this beautiful snake other than in Peru, Argentina, Brazil Central America, Guiana
Snake facts. Eastern Coral Snake just like any coral snake species is as deadly as it can be
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The Bushmaster Snake Lachesis Muta |
Snake Food and Habitat: The Central and South America region already known for its diverse in snakes has the bushmaster snake to add to its overflowing snake list and habitat.
Snake facts. With abundant of food in the forest, the Bushmaster Snake Lachesis Muta loves to eat other reptiles and rodents where possible.
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Mozambique spitting Cobra (Naja mossambica) |
Snake Description: Mozambique spitting Cobra (Naja mossambica)
Snake Food and Habitat: This spitting cobra lives to its name as the king cobra and for many people mostly farmers and locals who are in the agricultural sector and in villages living South of the Sahara countries such as Namibia, Botswana, Angola, South Africa and its native country Mozambique.
Snake facts. Mozambique spitting Cobra causes a lot of deaths due to its deadly venom and lack of quick medical facilities to help people affected by the snake bites
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South Africa Spitting Cobra (Hamechatus hemachatus) |
Snake Description: South Africa Spitting Cobra (Hamechatus hemachatus)
Snake Food and Habitat: Just like its cousin the Mozambique spitting Cobra is also a native of South Africa and all countries found on the South of the Sahara region.
Snake facts. Getting bitten by a cobra is just a dream you dont wantto come to reality. The South Africa Spitting Cobra (Hamechatus hemachatus) is one of the most dangerous animals in Africa which causes fatalities to the people who work in the farms, forest and people who venture in the forests as well.
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Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca) |
Snake Description: Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca)
Snake Food and Habitat: Just like the Mozambique spitting Cobra, South Africa Spitting Cobra and the Mozambique spitting Cobra, this deadly venomous snake is popular in Central African Republic, Zaire, Congo and South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Namibia and many parts of Malawi. Being one of the most feared snake, its has a very bad reputation to the fatalities it causes and the dangers it inflicts to individuals.
Snake facts. Forest Cobra (Naja melanoleuca) is very venomous and should not be dared with unless otherwise with good snake protective equipment while handling one.
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King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) |
Snake Food and Habitat: Having made its reputation as the king of all venomous snakes China, the king cobra has manage to astonish people with its elegant dancing moves as it sways to the flute of the snake charmer in many parts of India, Pakistan a few Eastern Asian countries and some pockets within the Australia continent.
Snake facts. King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) is no doubt the largest and the most deadliest venomous snake in the world
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Monocled cobra ( Naja Naja) |
Snake Food and Habitat: China, India, Pakistan and Australia
Snake facts. Monocled cobra ( Naja Naja) is the most presious snake of India for entertainment
Snake Facts; It is venomous and comes from the king cobra species. Don't be disguised with fake eye which is used to lure its prey
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Albino Monocled Cobra |
Snake Food and Habitat: Many of the monocledcobras are just as dangerous as the other less bright colored cobras. with some environmental variations and as a result of genetics which gives such a rare snake species, the monocled cobras are mostly found in China, India, Pakistan and Australia
Snake facts. Monocled cobra ( Naja Naja) is the most presious snake of India for entertainment
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Red-Eyed Leucistic Monocled Cobra |
Snake Food and Habitat: It is is found in many parts of China, India, Pakistan and Australia
Snake facts. Red-Eyed Leucistic Monocled Cobra is very venomous and its venom can kill. Caution is always important
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Black Mamba Dendroaspis polylepis hisses very loudly and displays its inky black mouth |
Snake Food and Habitat:Its found in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Central Africa mostly Zaire, Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi till South of Sahara where you have Namibia, South Africa, Angola and Botswana.
Snake facts. Black Mamba Dendroaspis polylepis, its inky black mouth makes it have the name the black mamba which is Africa's greatest killer or causes the most deaths in Africa
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Green Mamba (Denroaspis angusticeps) |
Snake Description:Green Mamba (Denroaspis angusticeps)
Snake Food and Habitat: East African countries mainly Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and central African countries such as Zaire, Congo,Namibia, Malawi, Gabon and parts of Southern Africa
Snake facts. Green Mamba (Denroaspis angusticeps) juat like the black mamba, the green mamba is less poisonous than the black mamba
Vipers ( Family Viperidae)

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Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridis) |
Snake Description: Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridis)
Snake Food and Habitat: Many parts of USA such as Minnesota, Florida and Texas is where you find the Timber rattlesnake
Snake facts. Timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridis) is a Venomous; often waiting perfectly still in order to ambush prey such as squirrels, chipmunks, mice and birds.
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Western Diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus Atrox) |
Snake Description: The Western Diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus Atrox)
The Western Diamondback rattlesnake breeds live baby rattlesnake. There could be as many as 15 to 25 baby Western Diamondback rattlesnakes which are born in the late summer just like other rattle snakes. People should watch out during this breeding season as any small rattlesnake baby born is sufficient to put somebody down. These rattlesnakes are always rounded up when their number increases in a habitat.
The Western Diamondback rattlesnake breeds live baby rattlesnake. There could be as many as 15 to 25 baby Western Diamondback rattlesnakes which are born in the late summer just like other rattle snakes. People should watch out during this breeding season as any small rattlesnake baby born is sufficient to put somebody down. These rattlesnakes are always rounded up when their number increases in a habitat.
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Western rattlesnake (Crotalus Viridis) |
Snake Description: Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus Viridis)
The Western Rattlesnake (Crotalus Viridis) tends to be longer than other rattle snakes which is about 5 ½ feet. With one clearly visible diagonal stripe below the eye and two on the head with dark brown shades and lighter rings of scales at the tip of the tail. This Western rattlesnake is mostly found in Mexico, Canada and USA
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Massasauga (Sistrurus Catenatus) |
Snake Description: The Massasauga Sistrurus Catenatus is a venomous rattlesnake and very different from all rattlesnakes. This rattle snake at its fore head is comprises of 9 large distinctive scales. This rattlesnake is only about 40 inches long . This is a very beautiful light grey to a grey brown rattle snake with some rows of large patches of grey and black with broad dark eyes not forgetting its lyre mark from the head to the neck.
Snake Food and Habitat: This Massasauga snake is one of the prominent snakes of Southern Canada, South Western Arizona and North Eastern Mexico where there are many rivers and lakes. all mammals and venomous snakes.
Snake facts. The Massasauga snake gives birth to baby live snakes mostly between july and September with 2 to 19 newborn snakes
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Black tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus Molossus) |
Snake Description: Black tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus Molossus)
The Black tailed rattlesnake (Crotalus Molossus) is a very dangerous and one of the most venomous snakes in the world. With no warning systems like any other rattlesnakes which rattle their tails, this rattle snake reaches about 4feet long. This is a mixture of grayish brown and yellow brown rattlesnake. This is the only rattle snake with a distinct black tail.
Snake Food and Habitat: With abundant rocks, cliffs, streams, pines and deciduous woodland, this one rattle snake which is mostly found in areas of Mexico, Texas and the Arizona state.
Snake Food and Habitat: With abundant rocks, cliffs, streams, pines and deciduous woodland, this one rattle snake which is mostly found in areas of Mexico, Texas and the Arizona state.
This rattle snake like any other rattlesnake feeds also on other snakes, rats, birds and other small mammals too.
Snake Facts: This rattle is also one of the few snakes which gives live birth to its baby snakes mostly in late summer months with an average of 3 to 6 baby snakes. For all you folks out there, if you don’t hear any rattling, just remember the black tail which will be nothing else but a black tailed rattlesnake.
Snake Facts: This rattle is also one of the few snakes which gives live birth to its baby snakes mostly in late summer months with an average of 3 to 6 baby snakes. For all you folks out there, if you don’t hear any rattling, just remember the black tail which will be nothing else but a black tailed rattlesnake.
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Cottonmouth (Agkistroden piscivorous) |
Snake Description: Cottonmouth (Agkistroden piscivorous)
Snake Food and Habitat: This snake is commonly found in USA Florida, Texas, Oklahoma and Virginia. Venomous, mainly feeding on fish will take birds, mammals and amphibians, as well as baby alligators and turtles.
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Sidewinder rattlesnake (Crostalus cerastes) |
Snake Description: Sidewinder rattlesnake (Crostalus cerastes)
Snake Food and Habitat: Mainly found in Califonia, Arizona, Mexico, Nevada,Utah and most of the deserts in USA
Snake facts. Sidewinder rattlesnake (Crostalus cerastes) are Venomous; eats pocket mice, kangaroo rats and lizards.
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Nose horned viper (Vipera ammodytes) |
Snake Description: Nose horned viper (Vipera ammodytes)
Snake Food and Habitat: Mainly found in Europe and Asia mainly Greece, the Balkans, Italy and Spain.Prefers dry, sunny, rocky slopes with some vegetation. mostly terrestrial areas
Snake Description: Cantil snake dangerous animal attacks
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts.
Snake Description:a Adder vipera berus
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts.
Snake Description: Copperhead
Snake Food and Habitat. Southeastern USA are the most common places where this dangerous snake is mostly located except Florida, and bounded in the west by central Texas
and Kansas. Snake facts. It has a painful bite but the good thing is that , the venomous bite of the copperhead rarely causes fatalities
Snake Description: Ottoman viper
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts.
Snake Description: Horned desert viper
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts.
Snake Description: Puff adder
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts.
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Corn snake (Elephe guttata) |
Snake Description: Corn snake (Elephe guttata)
Snake Food and Habitat: Found in Mexico, central USA Oklahoma, New York, and southern parts of USA
Snake facts. Corn snake (Elephe guttata)
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Black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta) |
Snake Description: Black rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta)
The Black rat snake also known as the pilot snake sets the mode for hibernation of some snake species has a rectangular body with a nice black colour
Snake Food and Habitat: The black rat snake mainly a constrictor eats anything from eggs, reptiles and rodents is mainly found in different states of USA such as Louisiana, Ontario, New York, Oklahoma where people should be on the look out as they hibernate with rattlesnake sand copperheads
Snake facts. With many places to hide in tree tops the Black rat snake seeks refuge to lay eggs under the nice protection of any mulch or compost heap..
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Green Rat snake (Elaphe triapsis) |
Snake Description: Green Rat snake (Elaphe triapsis)
Snake Food and Habitat: The Green rat snake is at home in the countries of Guatamala, Costa Rica, Arizona, New Mexico and Cuba
Snake facts. Green Rat snake (Elaphe triapsis)
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Transpecos rat snake ( Elaphe subocularis) |
Snake Description: Transpecos rat snake ( Elaphe subocularis)
Snake Food and Habitat: This kind of rat snake ins famous in Texas, Mexico andmany parts of the Chihuahua desert
Snake facts. Transpecos rat snake ( Elaphe subocularis)
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Texas Rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) |
Snake Description: Texas Rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri)
Snake Food and Habitat: From its famous name, the Texas rat snake is no doubt also found along the Mississippi area,Texas and the Louisiana terrain.
Snake facts. Texas Rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri) likes to sun burn on the roads
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Gray Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides) |
Snake Description: Gray Rat Snake (Elaphe obsoleta spiloides)
Snake Food and Habitat: Illinois, Georgia, Mississippi, Indiana are no other than habitats where the gray rat snake is found. Walking in these snake prone areas are more advisable with a snake grabber to fend off the snakes where possible out of harms way.
Snake facts. The Gray Rat Snake being at home in the farmlands and woodland is also known as the oak snake ald also hibernates with the black rat snake
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Ladder snake (Elaphe scalaris) |
Snake Description: Ladder snake (Elaphe scalaris)
Snake Food and Habitat: For all those living in Europe such as France, Germany and the Mediterranean region, Siberia with its central Asian republics. The ladder snake knows its way around and a common to this region.
Snake facts. Ladder snake (Elaphe scalaris)
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Four lines snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata) |
Snake Description: Four lines snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata)
Snake Food and Habitat: For sure the four lines snake lives to it's name as any other spitting cobra and as it spits too. South Asia, Russia, West Asia and Europe are places where this exclusive snake is found.
Snake facts. Four lines snake (Elaphe quatuorlineata)
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Fox snake (Elaphe vulpina) |
Snake Description: Fox snake (Elaphe vulpina)
Snake Food and Habitat: Ontario, Nebraska, Indiana
Snake facts. Fox snake (Elaphe vulpina) produces the fox responce
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Taiwanese Beauty snake (Elaphe taeniurus) |
Snake Description: Taiwanese Beauty snake (Elaphe taeniurus)
Snake Food and Habitat: South East Asia and East Asia
Snake facts. Taiwanese Beauty snake (Elaphe taeniurus)
You might be also interested to learn and know more about Beautiful Crocodiles,
Beautiful Scorpions, and beautiful Jellyfish as well
The biggest Nile Crocodile
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Pueblan milk snake Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli |
Snake Description: Pueblan milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli)
This snake has white broad bands. Just like the Dixon's milk snake, they are some of the most recently discovered as part of the milk snake family with lengths of 2 to 3 feet.
Snake Food and Habitat The Pueblan milk snake is mostly found in Acapulco, Oaxasca Southern Mexico.
Snake facts. It lays elongated eggs and found on high altitude around 2000meters above sea level
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Bull Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus sayi) |
Snake Description: Bull Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus sayi)
With long reddish, black brown and yellow marks, the bull snake can reach almost one meter just like the rat snake having a yellow belly.
Snake Food and Habitat. Being a constrictor snake, the bull snake likes eggs and rats in Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska and New Mexico, Chihuahua and Eastern Mexico.
Snake facts. Bull Snake gives soft sounds just like a bull hence the name bull snake
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Honduran Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis dangerous snake |
Snake Description: Honduran Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis dangerous snake
Snake Food and Habitat: Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras
Snake facts. Honduran Milk Snake Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis dangerous snake
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kansas glossy snake (Arizona elegans arenicola) |
Snake Description: kansas glossy snake (Arizona elegans arenicola)
Snake Food and Habitat: Mexico, Texas, Kansas, Nebraska
Snake facts. kansas glossy snake dangerous venomous snake attacks
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Scarlet Kingsnake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides |
Snake Description: Scarlet King snake Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides
With about 2.5 feetlong, the scarlet king snake almost resembles the Eastern Coral snake which is a very venomous snake.
Snake Food and Habitat: These snakes are found in, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, Alabama and Georgia.
Snake facts. Scarlet King snake is not a venomous snake but caution should always be taken with all snakes you just dont want to get bitten by a snake only to find out it was the deadliest snake. Too late.
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Gray Branded King snake (Lampropeltis alterna) |
Snake Description: Gray Branded King snake (Lampropeltis alterna)
Snake Food and Habitat: Mexico, Texas
Snake facts. Gray Branded King snake (Lampropeltis alterna)
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Indigo Snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus) |
Snake Description: Indigo Snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus)
Snake Food and Habitat: Mexico, Texas, Florida
Snake facts. Indigo Snake (Drymarchon corais erebennus)
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Califonia King snake Lampropeltis getulus califonia) |
Snake Description: Califonia King snake Lampropeltis getulus califonia)
Snake Food and Habitat: California, Oregon, Nevada, Mexico
Snake facts. Califonia King snake Lampropeltis getulus califonia)
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Florida King Snake Lampropeltis getulus floridana |
Snake Description: Florida King Snake Lampropeltis getulus floridana
Snake Food and Habitat: Florida
Snake facts. Florida King Snake Lampropeltis getulus floridana
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Coluber constrictor black racer snake |
Snake Description: Coluber constrictor black racer snake
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. Coluber constrictor black racer snake
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Western whip snake coluber viridiflavus |
Snake Description: Western whip snake coluber viridiflavus
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. Western whip snake coluber viridiflavus
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Southern water snake Nerodia Fasciata |
Snake Description: Southern water snake Nerodia Fasciata
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. Southern water snake Nerodia Fasciata
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common carter snake Thamnophis sirtalis |
Snake Description: common carter snake Thamnophis sirtalis
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. common carter snake Thamnophis sirtalis
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The Dice Snake, Natrix tessellata |
Snake Description: The Dice Snake, Natrix tessellata
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. The Dice Snake, Natrix tessellata
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Viperine snake (Natrix maura) |
Snake Description: Viperine snake (Natrix maura)
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. Viperine snake (Natrix maura)
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black-and-yellow mangrove snake (Boiga dendrophila) |
Snake Description: black-and-yellow mangrove snake (Boiga dendrophila)
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. black-and-yellow mangrove snake (Boiga dendrophila)
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boomslang snake Dispholidus typus |
Snake Description: boomslang snake Dispholidus typus
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. boomslang snake Dispholidus typus
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common garter snake Tamnophis sirtalish |
Snake Description: common garter snake Tamnophis sirtalish
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. common garter snake Tamnophis sirtalish
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eastern hognose snake Heterodon platyhinos |
Snake Description: eastern hognose snake Heterodon platyhinos
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. eastern hognose snake Heterodon platyhinos
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Egg eating snake Dasypeltis Scabra |
Snake Description: Egg eating snake Dasypeltis Scabra
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. Egg eating snake Dasypeltis Scabra
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Golden flying snake Chrysopelea ornata |
Snake Description: Golden flying snake Chrysopelea ornata
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. Golden flying snake Chrysopelea ornata
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red sided garter snakecommon garter snake Tamnophis parietalis |
Snake Description: red sided garter snakecommon garter snake
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. red sided garter snakecommon garter snake
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scarlet snake Cemophara coccinea |
Snake Description:
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. scarlet snake Cemophara coccinea
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smooth green snake Opheodrys vernalis |
Snake Description: smooth green snake Opheodrys vernalis
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. smooth green snake Opheodrys vernalis
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vine snake Oxy belis Aeneus pic |
Snake Description: vine snake Oxy belis Aeneus pic
Snake Food and Habitat
Snake facts. vine snake Oxy belis Aeneus pic
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Western Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus) |
The Western Hognose Snake is one of the most cleverest snake in the world. All Western Hognose Snakes are venomous and they reach a length of about 3feet. With a very thick powerful snake, it has a peculiar nose which is pointed upwards specifically for digging. Its mostly cream brown with some patches of dark brown
Snake Food and Habitat.The Western Hognose Snake is very popular along the central USA prairies and semi arid areas from the lower parts of USA Canadian border to the Northern part of Mexico farmlands and flood plains where frogs and toads are a speciality
Snake facts. The Western Hognose Snake is famous for its defensive moves when attacked and will play dead until danger is out of sight. This snake venom is mild baby snakes hatch out from eggs mostly 5 to 25