October 25, 2011 for the latest animal news click on the link below
Endangered animals

Pollution and the spillover effect destruction of habitats is the single and the greatest threat to many species around the world. Man has overexploited many of the animal and plant species and degraded most of the animal habitat and the ecology of many natural vegetation around the world. On the other hand, the natural habitat degradation due to human activities is also part of the main cause for losses in biodiversity and may effects which results in many dangerous animal attacks.
Common Name Location
Addax North Africa
African Wild Ass Kenya, Ethiopia , Somalia , Sudan
African Wild Dog East Africa, West Africa, Central & South africa
Asian elephant Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Bali,
Aye-aye Malagasy Republic (Madagascar )
Barbary Serval Algeria
Black Rhinoceros East Africa, West Africa, Central & South Africa
Cheetah Africa and South Asian counties
Chimpanzee African countries
Clarke's Gazelle Ethiopia , Somalia and Sudan
Coquerel's Sifaka Madagascar
Cuvier's Gazelle Algeria , Morocco , Tunisia
Dama Gazelle Africa
Dorcas Gazelle Algeria ,Iraq , Israel , Jordan , Morocco , Somalia
Dugong East Africa Mauritious, Sri Lanka Southern Japan
Ethiopian Wolf Ethiopia
Fork-crowned Lemur Madagascar
Golden jackal Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, Bangladesh
Hairy-eared Dwarf Lemur Madagascar
Leopard Africa, Asia, Middle East
Malagasy Giant Jumping Rat Madagascar
Mediterranean Monk Seal Mediterranean Sea, North African Black Sea
Mountain Zebra Namibia , South Africa, Angola, Botswana
Pygmy Chimpanzee Congo Brazzavile Democratic Republic of Congo
Pygmy Mouse Lemur Madagascar
Red-eared Nose-spotted Monkey Cameroon , Fernando Po , Nigeria
Rodrigues Fruit Bat Indian Ocean (Rodrigues Island )
Sand Cat Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
Slender-horned Gazelle Algeria , Egypt , Libya , Sudan
Striped Hyena Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, Europe
Western Giant Eland Senegal, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast
Western Lowland Gorilla Central and Western Africa countries
White-throated Guenon Western Nigeria

As far as The Companion Animal Access and Rescue Act (CAARA), is concerned, it was a bill that was intended to save the lives of over 25,000 homeless pets every year, had been put on the forefront and gotten its chance to be introduced in the famous New York by State Assembly Member Micah Kellner. As far as animals are concerned, the CAARA was to insure the crucial protection for all the homeless pets in New York, and to a greater extent to put an end to all "convenience" killing by animal shelters (killing when there are empty cages) and this act would make it illegal to kill any animal if at any point some rescue groups were willing to save these animals.
As far as animal facts and figures are concerned, statewide survey on animals conducted found that 71% of all New York State rescue groups surprisingly had been turned away by many of the shelter groups and with reasons best known to them had gone forward and killed the very same animals they had offered to save.

With the advent of time and general with many animal attacks on the rise, animal rights awareness being on the forefront as animal safety and awareness is being achieved at a snail speed the modern society has pondered and questions arise if there is a future for all animal rescue, adoption, education and protection?
Animal rescue, adoption, education and protection

Since its main aim of the project was to extend its collaborate with its international partners with the aim of delivering a wide range educational initiatives catering for different people and cultures in different parts of the world.
With the diverse of different animal species from different animal habitat, this initiative was geared to give all loving animal people power to all the veterinary students too work all over the world as the core objective was to create and strengthen education on animal welfare for its students and thereby creating awareness and bring about the forum which would be geared to spear head all animal rescue, adoption, education and protection and any other animal related issues for the days to come. Political debate on animal welfare and protection issues were to be part and parcel of the centers involvement.

The official said turning the ranches into conservancies which to the world at large in terms of preservation of animals for the future was to be part of the conservation of endangered species and rare species of animals while on the contrary this would prove to be a very big blow to the Government’s plans but if that is what the owners wanted there was very little that could be done.
The majestic African Wild Dog only found mainly in
With plenty of the African Cheetah research going on, the number of cheetah in East Africa where there is plenty of wild animals to attack and feed on, the African cheetah which is regarded as the fastest land animal in the world is part of the endangered species list. With little range to search for food and the demise of its territory and reported attacks, there are cases where animal water holes have been poisoned in order to stamp out or wipe out some of the dangerous animals to man.
Ethiopian Wolf only found in Ethiopia and the northern parts of Kenya is an exotic species of its own in the Ethiopian peninsula. With less than 300 in number, the Ethiopian wolf with very huge difference unlike the snow wolf and the ray wolf. This wolf species has undergone worse as far as its general feeding grounds are concerned. It has managed to withstand extreme weather conditions, diseases, and the general population as a whole.
One of the most dangerous animals which is feared by other animals mainly for its ability to crack bones with a single bite is no other than the Hyena. Lions, tigers, cheetahs and leopards always fear this animal when it searches for food. As far as its cousin “The Striped Hyena” which inhabits; Asia in areas of Pakistan, Bhutan, Africa, and the Middle East; Algeria, Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Somalia, Syria, Tunisia and many parts of Europe is facing the same fate unless drastic actions are taken to conserve this stripped hyena before it becomes extinct.

As many people continue to occupy the animal’s world, many animal attacks will continue to rise as both plants and animals’ environment will continue to be destroyed from the Arctic polar bears to the dangerous poisonous snakes of Africa and Asia . People who love animals know what it takes to raise animals. Many animal loving people know that animals have feelings and they need love and a family too.
When the CAARA was formed in the USA , it was geared to undertake comprehensive measures that would go beyond giving rescue groups the access to take care of animals. The knowledge about animals and animal health qualifications and guidelines were it sets for both animal shelters and rescue groups as a whole. Outlining the responsibilities of those who work directly with the animals will help ensure that the animals receive proper care. These provisions ensure that animals are given fresh food and water on a daily basis, exercise and socialization with other animals, clean living environments, and prompt veterinary care.
"Animal loving Americans would be shocked to know the reality of what's happening in our nation's shelters– including abuse, horrific conditions and unnecessary killings," says Debi Day, Director of No Kill Nation.
"Most shelters are mired in the status quo and unwilling to change, so CAARA is designed to mandate lifesaving policies at these facilities, and ensure safety, proper care and a chance at a good home for all shelter pets. We are thrilled that this legislation has been introduced inNew York , as well as elsewhere across the US . CAARA is a crucial step on our road to a No Kill Nation."
"Most shelters are mired in the status quo and unwilling to change, so CAARA is designed to mandate lifesaving policies at these facilities, and ensure safety, proper care and a chance at a good home for all shelter pets. We are thrilled that this legislation has been introduced in
Benefits of animal attacks, animal fights and mauling

The African animals including the big five, the great sea animals such as the great white shark and not forgetting the Australian dangerous crocodiles, alligators and snakes have come to the limelight of being some of the most dangerous animals facts. The top dangerous animals have always lived to their expectations and the same animals have now become animals in danger.
Despite the fact that there is always awareness as to where to get animals information, the national geographic society has done extensive research on animals around the world. According to animal attack statistics, it’s amazing now to see recent stories all over the world to hear animals abuse, pet attacks, and dog attacks and recently in
When animals attack on humans is aired on TV, this is the time when others are inspired to make animal games while to some extent funny animal videos which are humorous and very graphic animal pictures and animal photos come up In the end, you find all breath taking Oscar wining animal attack movies and armature home made animal attacks movies on you tube which can be easily accessed.
Adapting with nature from different animal attacks.

On the other hand, for the people who love dogs, snakes, lions, bears, monkeys just to mention a few you get that many of them have kept them as pets while to some its just a mere necessity as a watchdog without prior knowledge of how to take care of dogs and other pets as well. What is the ramification, you find that expensive unwanted dog bite lawsuits and people seeking the services of dog bite attorneys are also on the rise.
A good guess would be many of these animal attacks are so sudden such that there is always no time to foresee such animal encounters until they happen. Children who are bystanders or just inquisitive to play or the seemingly harmless dog just end up being the victim of animal attacks which could be very fatal
The Pros and Cons

As far as the legality and the do and don’ts regarding the compensation and payments are concerned, the Order clearly state that the compensated amount of money will be handed over to the victims of the animal attacks if the person or people died, or those who got permanent disability or were injured during the event while they were in a restricted area or land which belonged to the government while the same goes to the loss of crops and farm animals too.
The persons killed during the animal attack incident should not have indulged in unlawful activities in forest or restricted and protected natural habitat areas. Since curiosity killed the cat, you get that in this world which we are living in, survival for the fittest is always the order of the day. Man has evolved from being a hunter and a gatherer to sophisticate all rounded egoistic being looking for greener pastures in the rain forest, savannah, prairies and the pampas where he is not intended to, there by exploiting and destroying our beautiful flora and fauna.
There are numerous cases where animals have become extinct and very rare animal species are becoming extinct due to poaching hunting, wild fires and as a result of global warming and the loss of wild animals breeding grounds. The ecological misbalance as a result of the food chain has districted the natural food cycle of many of the animal species. Rare species of animals are on the brink of being wiped out and the list of endangered species keep on rising.
There are numerous cases where animals have become extinct and very rare animal species are becoming extinct due to poaching hunting, wild fires and as a result of global warming and the loss of wild animals breeding grounds. The ecological misbalance as a result of the food chain has districted the natural food cycle of many of the animal species. Rare species of animals are on the brink of being wiped out and the list of endangered species keep on rising.
Despite the fact that there is always a very big hue and cry from different animal rights groups and animal rescue and animal shelter groups you find that such animal attacks take place in these localities hence a certified medical doctor should ascertain and confirm during post-mortem that the death was caused by a wild animal attack. With difficult scarce resources to investigate the cause of death in many third world countries, many incidences are not reported due to fear of being found to be the culprit or on the wrong by the concerned agencies whereas you get that for those who are in this business, this is the price they will always have to pay. Since man has not been able to understand the really secrets of nature and all its wild animals mythology, it’s the common person who ends up being devastated by wild animals.
If you find yourself being in the migratory rout of the Canadian Bison, Kenyan wildebeest and the Indian jumbo elephant makes you prone to animal attack. In many third world countries where majority of the communities are agrarian nomadic pastoralists all or almost all dwellings are not permanent houses, you find that most farmers’ dwellings offer little protection over animal attacks. Thus you find that many people find themselves vulnerable and if a mud or grass thatched house, animal, water shed, pump house, pipeline or fence is damaged in a wild elephant attack, the owner will be paid and for loss of cattle and other domestic animals too
Animal protection. A new chapter for endangered species.

The big question come where by are people or have people been able to bring the same natural habitat into the zoos and animal sanctuaries which does not affect their living space as they would have been in the wild? These animals have now started to be on the animal watch list of endangered species and most of the endangered animals have been bred and released back in the nature. With the increased awareness of animal rights and protection policies in many social institutions in many countries, many beautiful land and sea animals like crocodiles, foxes and monkeys in India weren’t that plenty.
As hunting and the demand for animal hides and skins and other different animal parts just to mention a few has led to the decline of such animal species to be wiped out. At the same time, flooding and changes in the environment have resulted in many animals finding themselves in new animal habitats. Are we to blame in such changes in our natural environment. Well animals have to adapt to it as we get to know these animals as time goes by.
Despite the boom in these animals, many localities and states continued to prevent and to label some of the animals as endangered species. Feeding of Foxes, Coyotes, bears and wild dogs say an increase in such animal population due to the easy availability of food which didn’t have any competition. With the changing climate conditions, most animals have been forces to look for water over long distances and that’s where nature collides with man.
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