May wild animals just as humans have faced different natural calamities. Just as big and small they are, different wild animals do struggle to make sure that the have a nice family and a continuation of their generation as well. Have you ever seen a wild animal in times of diversity with all the global warming and different natural calamities coupled with deforestation and loss of animal natural habitat?.
With different natural and ananimal habitats, dangerous animals stinging insects and crowling reptiles would emberk on a journey as they make their breeding grounds, hives, holes and nests which depending on the natural habitat go diffentet ways just to gather that special building material from long distance to make it a home.

When these beautiful animals whether snakes who could have gathered dry grass or an eagle which could have flown with great speed and covered miles back and forth just to complete the nesting place or a home and ready to lay eggs or give birth to live ones in terms of different snake species the dangerous weather conditions, or the unforgiving exploitation of our natural habitat by man in different parts of the world, you find that humans and may of the other animals species just as the natural food chain and survival for the fittest, these animal shelters end up being destroyed just keeping in mind how much effort these animals have made just to prepare that breeding grounds or a place to lay these precious eggs or to give birth
Dangerous animals such as elephants are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. The do not forget things and will always remember every inch of the way just as a dangerous lion will mark its territory with its scent to protect its pride.

start over from scratch building and rebuilding their breeding space, den or even look for another enclosure or the grass thacthed nest again and again day in day out
until they have those little tinny cubs, babies, eggs in the den, hive, crevices, cave or nest again
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