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The Serengeti Natural Wonder Wildebeest Animal Migration Highway

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

October 25, 2011 for the latest animal attacks news click on the link  below

July 7. 2011. The Serengeti Natural Wonder Wildebeest Animal Migration Highway: A Win Win! Situation For Tanzania, Kenya, Africa, Humanity and the Wildebeest at long last.

Peace loving animals come together a show of Gratitude to animals of Africa
When the Tanzanian Government stated that it wanted to build a superhighway from the shores of the Indian Ocean cutting across the Serengeti plains to t he Lake Victoria vicinity, there was a huge hue and cry. This was not from the Animal Rights, Green Peace Movement or the local and international tours and travelers association but humanity as a whole. When the Tanzanian Government announced that it had done away with the construction of the highway which would cross the Serengeti, this was one area where peace was being achieved piece by peace on settling the conservation and halting of the African rich wild animals species along the mount Kilimanjaro, Serengeti and Masai Mara National Parks. This giant step also saved a great biodiversity of both natural and human events that would have changed African Safari and tour loving people.
Why was such a move important?
With a bounty of the best animal safaris in the world the Serengeti and Masai Mara plains are places where someone has to visit if they wanted to have a safari of their lifetime. The news of wanting to change the ecosystem of these beautiful wild animals roam free in their natural habitat would have upset many a generation to come.  The timing was just perfect as this would have been the Last Migration of African Wildebeest. Would have the movie industry make a movie out of it?
Well there have been many already made about the last of this and the end of that. If we go to the time line, Money would have been poured, the Road would have been built,  Money would have been a blessing to the constructors, the local workers and all the supporting staff. That’s just a part of the picture. What’s the end result? If we mean to build roads, see that what we wanted to accomplish. Here is the other side. If I were a wildebeest and my cousins the Zebras, We wildebeest would have to sit, No! Stand and think of making our own road across the Serengeti highway for our generations to come. We would have to call the African elephant to come and clear the land with its huge elongated tusk and trunk, Monkeys would have too be deployed to keep on checking for incoming traffic while the rest of the small animal and insect species will have to relocate to sis and places and in the end bring about the extinction of their species as well as the flora and fauna.

The Masai art of brushing shoulders with the Big Five
The wildebeest  natural cycle migration  along the Kenya Tanzania border as simple and un known to many  brings natural  harmony  with within itself and  it has some cross border effects between the two countries. Masai of Kenya and Tanzania a pastoral tribe have been living for decades in these African wilderness along with the Africa lions,  the giant African elephants, the African Crocodiles  and any dangerous animals along these plains. It would have been a new era for this cultured tribe to start stopping blending with these animals they have been brushing shoulders with for ages but also from all those African holiday makers around the world. Its not only the wildebeest which were saved but the African crocodiles, the African ape species and the rest of the diverse animals in Africa.
African tourist and safaris way forward
For all those animal loving souls, good memories are always made when one has a great time. Good pictures and animal attacks in their natural habitat will continue to be forthcoming,  there will be a conglomeration of future bodies of thoughts geared to heisted such ventures from escalating out of hand while in the whole people will keep on enjoying animal safaris without being endangered as it would have happen when animals are reared in captivity as has been the story in many parts of the world. The conservation of The Serengeti Natural Wonder  Wildebeest Animal Migration Highway: A Win! Win! Situation For Tanzania, Kenya, Africa, Humanity and the Wildebeest at long last.