
Monday, 21 November 2011


May wild animals just as humans have faced different natural calamities. Just as big and small they are, different wild animals do struggle to make sure that the have a nice family and a continuation of their generation as well. Have you ever seen a wild animal in times of diversity with all the global warming and different natural calamities coupled with deforestation and loss of animal natural habitat?. 

With different natural and ananimal habitats, dangerous animals  stinging insects  and crowling reptiles would emberk on a journey as they make their breeding grounds,  hives, holes and nests which depending on the natural habitat go diffentet ways just to gather that special building material from long distance to make it a home.

When these beautiful animals whether snakes who could have gathered dry grass or an eagle  which could have flown with great speed and covered miles back and forth just to complete the nesting place or a home and ready to lay eggs or give birth to live ones in terms of different snake species  the dangerous weather conditions, or the unforgiving exploitation of our natural habitat by man in different parts of the world, you find that humans and may of the other animals species just as the natural food chain and  survival for the fittest, these animal shelters end up being destroyed just keeping in mind how much effort these animals have made just to prepare that breeding grounds or a place to lay these precious eggs or to give birth

Dangerous animals such as elephants are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. The do not forget things and will always remember every inch of the way just as a dangerous lion will mark its territory with its scent to protect its pride. 

These exotic animals, stinging  insectes and venomous reptiles do not give up wheether its an endagered turtle which is going back to the shores Mauritious or the warm shores of the Australian coast. Giving up is not just a part of their vocabulary or they just didnt have to go to an animal school to learn it but just the sheere animal instinct is that they are born with it and the moment they set foot on  this dangerous but beautiful animal habitat which is there for them to live and flourish. These sophisticated intelligent animals of the times will
 start over from scratch building and rebuilding their breeding space, den or even look for another enclosure or  the grass thacthed nest again and again day in day out

until  they have those little tinny cubs, babies, eggs in the den, hive, crevices, cave or nest again

Sunday, 13 November 2011

The Great Horn of Africa and the Plight of the endangered Flora and Fauna

Saving a Life is a decision.
Our decisions have always  determined our directions in terms of need in different parts of the world. Droughts, wild fires, tsunamis, earthquakes are just part of our embedded lives. Wild animals are killed, animals are attacked and the most endangered animals perish as a result of the fore seen and unforeseen global events and end up being reported in the worlds animal news while some great inspiring news about saving the animals and lives of many just perish with the ill wind that sweeps across.
We all need to Decide to be positive in the different natural and man made calamities that engulf the different places that we live in. We have all witnessed just within our different spheres of living with animals who are destitute and without rain, the situation is blown in different proportions.  Humans scavenge for the slightest twig they can get to enable them utilize it as a basic need. Animals on the other hand with little or no protection at all find grass or the little foliage with its last steps being observed by other dangerous animals hovering above the sky waiting for any kind of flesh that fumbles and is left for the mercy of the earth to consume it.
Its only by Deciding to move onward in terms of helping the needy and giving a helping hand despite any ongoing events then and only then do we humans move upward. The Horn of Africa has its own great history. The African Bush Elephants was home to this beautiful land for centuries and little did the world know that many of the elephants had to move south of the  Sahara desert well never to come back again just because of national boundaries and the restriction of animals by the relevant authorities. Lions and many of the Big five animal population thrived for decades. what went wrong is just a matter of another finding yet to be presented. Does the horn of Africa has a role to play in terms of bringing back some of the lost heritage of wild animals? With constant monitoring of the current refugee status and the civil conflict around the Horn of Africa little is expected and the little help available just makes all the baby step needed to help conserve the future animals of the Horn of Africa. As far as the remaining endangered or near extinct animals are concerned, the world has to take the initiatives so that when such animals are re introduced in the wild, change is always there.
Saving a life is the same as saving humanity and  Deciding to save a child or any child in any part of the world as many would have said is just what we humans do. Animals also have feelings. They need love and affections as well was for the betterment and giving hope for more people to be aware that something can be done at large with the collaboration of many hands with limited resources. Its not just the money, prayers and communication just mends it all and  to be positive in spite of what the rest of the world is talking about. If the world managed to save the Serengeti Natural wonder of the wildebeest  animal migration what more can that helping had provide to the few million of the Horn of Africa which need all the help just like any other situation we live and have lived in.
You do not have to join in.
Get out of the negative feedback loop.
Decide in favor of helping as you have also been blessed in your own world at large with all the abundant of opportunities whether achieved or ascribed. Lets all give  happiness whether it’s a war torn area or a flood denudated region, peace for all those who seek it and deserve it to progress just as you and me have experienced it, abundance of the basic necessities which WE TAKE FOR GRANTED JUST AS THE FRESH DEW DROP EARLY IN THE MORNING and with all our support physically, mentally , spiritually emotionally financially psychologically they are sure to succeed. It’s just a WIN-WIN situation.
It is your decision whether to save a child while the rest of the clan is looting and plundering.
It's just a decision.
Lets all achieve that PEACE NEEDED PIECE BY PIECE
Threatened Species
Threatened Species: The following list includes all mammals which occur in Somalia and are rated as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN) or Vulnerable (VU) in the2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.
•           Critically Endangered:
African Wild Ass(Equus africanus).
Hirola (Hunter's Antelope or Hartebeest(Damaliscus hunteri).
Somali Golden Mole(Chlorotalpa tytonis). (Endemicto Somalia.)
•           Endangered:
Somali Elephant Shrew(Elephantulus revoili). (Endemicto Somalia.)
•           Vulnerable:
African Elephant(Loxodonta africana).
Ammodile (Gerbil Family)(Ammodillus imbellis).
Beira Antelope(Dorcatragus megalotis).
Cheetah(Acinonyx jubatus).
Dibatag(Ammodorcas clarkei).
Dorcas Gazelle(Gazella dorcas).
Dugong(Dugong dugon).
Greenwood's Shrew(Crocidura greenwoodi). (Endemicto Somalia.)
Lion(Panthera leo).
Mouse-tailed Bat Species(Rhinopoma macinnesi).
Red Bush Squirrel(Paraxerus palliatus).
Silver Dikdik(Madoqua piacentinii). (Endemicto Somalia.)
Soemmerring's Gazelle(Gazella soemmerringii).
Speke's Gazelle(Gazella spekei).

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Save the Elephant, its big Tusk and the Elephant Tail

Halt the Buying of Elephant Goods and the Killing of Elephants Stops 2

Baby elephants need all the help from feeding mother elephants
Why do elephants attack people? Is it genetic or a revenge from the elephant’s fore fathers who were parched to extinction during the slave trade and the ivory trade centuries ago? Did the African Elephants deserve what they they got. These are just part of what nature has to offer in the elephant world. Do we really know anything about elephants? Do we know what goes on in the minds of the elephants. 

The Elephants just like humans are very intelligent
Well for those who have spent many years with these beautiful elephants with an aim of saving the elephants have some insight about how elephants need to be saved and as a matter of fact saving all the elephants of the world wherever they are; in zoos, animal sanctuaries or just in captivity or as pets in circuses or elephants who have been tamed ad are considered part of the farm animals with many of the Asian elephants. What don’t we know about the elephant's  habitat and their breeding grounds?  With many of the worlds elephants residing in the African Savannah and in the national parks of Kenya Uganda Tanzania and South Africa, some of these elephants which need to be saved have seen the worst as far as elephants poaching is concerned and there is a hue and cry to save the elephants not from within but from outside as well. Despite the fact that the global ban on international trade in ivory imposed in 1989 remains and is being adhered to, many of the different African governments are yet to understand the implications of reading between the lines as the same goes to those countries which allow such elephants ivory enter in their countries. As far as the utility value of the elephant tusks remains high, the elephant ivory lucrative market will still lure more to venture into this illicit trade and thereby exposing the elephants to even staggering low numbers as is the casein many of the West African countries.
Many elephants have been killed as their habitat dwindles 

Have we reached a stage where we can say no to the killing and poaching of elephants while at the same time we keep on buying expensive ornaments and artifacts made from the endangered elephant ivory and other tusks from animals such as the endangered beautiful white rhino and the black which is also on the verge of extinction?  When is the demand of the elegant elephant accessories, goods and expensive jewelry going to stop so that the killings of these beautiful God given African and Asian elephants can stop too? 
How many more elephants to we need to save
Can the world  help save the elephant by bolstering anti-poaching patrols, by providing the relevant different elephant neigbouring villages/communities and organizations  the needed tools and  equipment needed to help save the endangered African and Asian elephants? While still water runs deep some subjects which cross national boundaries become too complex  which renders helpless exotic animals of the wild without any spokesman to dare vocalize the plight of the elephants and the dire need to save them. Has a lot been done to save the African elephant and the Asian elephants?  Is something being done to save these elephants in different parts of the continent? Many elephants and animal activist have gone miles and to create elephant awareness, elephant education, the different elephant behavior and two thumbs up for those who have been able to put the elephants into better use as far as farming and helping the community in the Asian region is concered. 
The elephant tusks belong to the elephants just as our teeth in us
Well on the other hand, with the demand of timber on the rise and degradation of the fauna of the Asian region, the elephant has played much of the role in bringing the trees to our homes in terms of furniture, construction and all the fitting which comes up from the logs where the elephant is used as a beast of burden. Should people be optimistic in saving the worlds climate or saving the elephants on a need come basis?

With vast open lands poachers hunt elephants and  day in day out
Male & female African elephants have horns unlike Asian Tusks
With so many vehicles which are deemed un road worth saving the elephants with such an asset with these vehicles  being impounded in bonded warehouses and underground parking just because they were not cleared or didn't have enough papers would these vehicles serve as a helping had to speed up the patrols in such elephant risk prone areas if the vehicles are repaired or  purchased and given to the needy organizations so that they can be able to stand on their feed with all the economic crunch. I guess the economics and laws of the land have to be tabulated and be considered as well. But with little bargaining power saving the elephants or such endangered animals not forgetting the near extinct flora and fauna of the elephant habitat will just perish just within our blinking eyelids spectrum. 
For the protection of all endangered animals, the great African elephants, the Rhino, the lions, the cheetahs and the leopard just to mention a few  in most third world countries where there is an abundant of wild life and animals which need to be protected, vehicles to patrol are some of the simplest ways to be used to pave way in apprehending the culprits. On the other hand, two way radios or effective communication to enhance  surveillance saves all the time and energy in saving the elephants and the other wild animals which might also fall prey in the hands of poachers as well equipment. 

Is that just enough to save the elephants and the story just ends with a happy ending? With proper elephant protection legislation being implemented and ratified, that just a mile stone in saving the elephants which are remaining in the wild. Do we have any success stories about elephants in the different parts of the wild. The yard stick for the protection, conservation and breeding of the elephants is way complicated as part of the data is not forth coming. Despite the fact that Google maps help locate most of the elephants which have been flitted with collar tracking devices, the protection and saving of the elephants though still on its hay stages some people have been made proud in seeing many more active role in terms of active elephant research being carried out and people with the elephant passion getting involved and understanding the minds of the elephants the way they associate with other elephants, the way elephants migrate and the way they respond to natural calamities seconds before disasters as well.
If people managed to save the Serengeti animal migration highway, what would it cost to save the rest of the worlds elephants. On the other hand the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) has played a very big role in creating awareness in terms of the elephant numbers where by  the number of  the Africa's elephant population was 1,300,000 in the 1980. Just a few years later the number plunged to around  625,000 in African countries. Kenya and Mali were the only countries which had refused to sell their stock pile of the ivory captured in different parts of the world in the illegal ivory trade. While most of the elephants still become endangered its through proper involvment of the general masses through education of the elephants, sharing of  elephant information and above all imparting or giving information about elephants to those who need it and those it might be intended for.

This painstaking episode of saving the  elephant and all the wild elephants at large started almost 20 years ago when the ban on the sale of Ivory was brought about but has the sailing been easy?  With all the deep waters which cover the vast area of the Savannah and the worlds great oceans and seas, mankind has played part in bringing the elephants to a grinding halt  just because of the glamour and fashion. With the little awareness which ensued, most of the countries against the illegal trade of ivory had no better way of ending the elephants onslaught just because of its elephant utility it provides while female elephants and the young elephants are left without any hopes of their forefathers being there to trace back their elephant train from the tip of Africa way down to the Kruger plains in South Africa. 
With less animal migration corridors being on the verge of near extinction due to the population boom, many families living within the elephant natural breeding grounds have had problems with elephants. Many of the elephants end up dead as a result of DDT and some other chemicals easily available in many of the local shops in the villages or cities which is thrown in many of the animal water holes or ponds while some are just killed with poisonous arrows and are left to die as a result of their movement which meanderings to people farms and residential areas. That being part of nature, many of the victims of animal and elephant attacks have well been compensated in terms of animal being injured as a result of the elephant attacks, people being killed or wounded as a result of the elephants and property as well which is way well in place. 
 and renovate ranger housing. With your help, we partner with local governments on projects that educate local communities on the value of protected areas and parks, defuse human-elephant conflicts and improve the infrastructure needed to better protect these magnificent ecosystems.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Aliens, Androids, puppets or the slowest animals on earth the Slow sloth

Animals on earth the Slow sloth of its kind

Sloth, just the sound of it sounds strange. How strange is the world we live in?  What is a sloth? What is the meaning of a sloth? How did this name come about? Different parts of our lives have been taken with many untold events such that when they come to the limelight, there is always a different story to share. 

The sloth is just one of the mammals of the rain-forest. If you are lucky to spot a sloth in its natural habitat, you will be perplexed in the first place as to how complex the sloth is in its movement as compared to many other land mammals. Just like the Kangaroo and the other apes, the baby sloth acts in similar way the way the baby sloth will cling to its mother on its belly for months to come until lit gets all the vitality to be on its own. With little known about the sloth in many of the urbanity the people who live around the rainforest are very accustomed to the different types of sloth in their natural habitat and there are many people who have taken a step forward to taming the sloth and even have sloths as pets. There are sloth breeders and to a very large extent sloth on sale are just another way of earning some people a living while in real sense getting the right living condition in captivity is just left for nature to handle this maturing of the sloth in their own natural heritage

Given the abundance of flora and fauna in many of our natural habitat, many nice adorable animals have either gone extinct while some have found refuge in dolls or just part of the media games which have all the animal animation and sound effects. Just as all the dangerous animals are always reigning terror in many parts of the world, the Big Five are always on the fore front while the grizzlies bears and the white sharks follow soon not forgetting some of the venomous snake, the giant tarantulas and the imperial scorpions of Africa.

But when it comes to some of the most exotic animal species, the rare animals which are only found in the deep forest of the Amazon and the rainforest of South America, its more than impossible for one to see them unless their cable operator is there to let them have a glimpse of their favorite program in the national geographical channel, animal planet and discovery just to mention a few. 
The sloth just like the slow Loris is no doubt the world's slowest animal or mammal you can ever think of. The sloth with its slow movements lives up to its name such that algae of different kinds depending on its animal habitat will find ways to grow on its furry coat. You might be wondering what happened to the coat of the sloth on the back. The sloth  and all the sloth pictures which have been taken or sloth movies which a have been produces show one and the same thing about the sloth. Well the big patch explains all the mystery of the sloth not having part of the body amour it needs just because of its slowness. The big variegated parth on the back of the sloth has worked for the sloth and at the same time has been a symbiotic process for the entire species of the sloth in the rain-forest and around the world.
Sloths like apes who have gone astray
One should be wondering what the green coloring on the back of the sloth should be doing. The plants which grow on its back gives it a greenish tint depending on the color of the sloth itself which is a plus point while out in the wilderness with different predators both big and small looking for the latest creature to feed on not forgetting humans who have been wiping these beautiful animals up to near extinction not just for their meat but for medicinal reasons, cultural and with reasons best known to them. The greenish plants don't have roots that grow deep inside the sloth but just on the surface and what a beautiful how the sloth blends with nature without making any changes to it. If people would go green well not with the extent of not taking a shower just because the sloth are doing it in the rain-forest but not to upset our natural environment, the sloth would be the forerunners in the campaign of saving the rain forest oandall the endangered exotic rare animal species as well.

Sloth Animal Facts
Family Bradypodidae (Three-toed sloths)
Pale-throated Sloth (Bradypus tridactylus))
Brown-throated Sloth (Bradypus variegatus)
Maned Sloth (Bradypus torquatus)
Pygmy Three-toed Sloth (Bradypus pygmaeus)

Have you even wondered what you would do with only three fingers? Like many of the different land mammals which have paws and sharp claws designed for protection holding grabbing digging fighting for their natural survival, our friend the rare exotic anima  pale-throated sloth is found only in the tropical forests of northern South America, including Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, western Venezuela and Colombia, and Brazil north of the Amazon River. Having your first glance at such an animal would make you think otherwise the idea of Aliens, Androids, puppets or the slowest animals on earth the slow sloth will not have been in your medulla oblongata had you not been able to see such a beautiful creature

The slow sloth are mostly recognized and identified by the number of long sharp, prominent claws that they have on each front foot or paws. The ones which are available in different parts of the world are the two-toed sloths and three-toed sloths. Sloths are always a babe in the woods and forest full of green lush leaves and buds are their favorite places to make their homes and where not if not at the treetops. These creatures have very good strength when it comes to holding and clinging on to branches. Just like many of the apes and monkeys, sloths use most of their lifetime alone hanging from one branch to another

Clinging for life after death
Just like a drowning man catches the straw, with no water to cling on in demes of desperate measures or when their days are numbered, these sloths will cling to a branch and hold it while it’s dead and remain suspended for as long as the body decomposes. If nature has a way of taking care of itself, some things are just left the way they are and trying to understand the mysteries of nature is a sea of knowledge which will never end.