
Dangerous Crocodile

October 25, 2011.  The latest animal news click on the link  below

The crocodile
Crocodiles are dreaded prehistoric creatures capable of wreaking a terrible punishment on any human flesh. North American, Estuarine and Nile crocodiles are the most dangerous and probably kill more people yearly than figures show due to the isolated areas where attacks are likely to take place and distance from help. 
One meal will keep a crocodile sated for a good while, so they like to wait in the water for the perfect time to strike. With a gross body weight of between 225kg to 1000kg, getting caught up in the massive jays of the African crocodile will be  a crocodile attack which has a story to tell.

Responsible for: An estimated 600-800 fatalities a year.
The Largest African Nile crocodile Gustavo: alone was responsible to many of the attacks in the early 80s
Hangs out in: Most of the biggest crocodiles are found in Africa in many rivers of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and south Africa while Asia mainly India, Pakistan and China has its own Indian crocodile or mash crocodile or the Mugger crocodile while Australia and many parts of North and South America have their own Crocodile and Alligator species.
Method of dispatch: With terrifying speed, crocodiles can launch themselves out of the water like a missile and latch hold of their prey. They then go into a death roll, spinning the victim around and around to disorientate, thereby lessening its chance of escape.
Useful avoidance techniques: Straight from the society of stating the obvious: do not swim in areas where there are crocodiles. It may be hot, and you may want a swim, but the croc will see you coming and the rest doesn’t bear thinking about. If you’re unfortunate enough to be grabbed, shout, scream, claw the creature on the eyes.
Nile Crocodiles have very powerful teeth and when
they snap they they can bring a jumbo down

Nile crocodiles

Crocodylus cataphractus

Crocodylus palustris

African uzkoryly crocodile (Crocodylus cataphractus) lives in Central Africa Republic with countries such as Congo, Zaire, Gabon  and West Africa mainly Cameroon, Equatorial Guine. Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Abidjan, Liberia and Sierraleone.The length of the crocodiles of this species is usually  2,5 meters, but sometimes it may reach 4.

Crocodylus intermedius

Crocodylus Rhombifer
Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer) dwells, respectively, in Cuba. This medium-sized crocodile. Their average length is about 3.5 meters, but occasionally reaches and 5 meters. Its found mainly in Cuba's Zapata Swamp and the Isle of Youth, and highly endangered, it formerly ranged in the Caribbean species have been found in the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas.

The Cuban crocodile with their sort toes tend to have more time basking on river banks unlike other web feet crocodiles and alligators in South America. The most important fact about the Cuban crocodile is that the big  Cuban crocodile  and the young Cuban crocodile have a sundry yellow and  black and yellow distinctive markings on their upper side which has earned them the name  'pearly' crocodiles.

A colony of this species at Gatorland, Florida has also exhibited what is strongly suspected to be pack-hunting behavior but not that dangerous to man as compared to the Nile or the American alligator.
The Cuban crocodile main threats illicit hunting and hybridization with native American Crocodiles which has made the Cuban crocodile to be on the verge of extinction as a result  of hunting due to the sale of meat like any other crocodile and alligator breed which finds its way in the  market to private restaurants and hotels in their menu for the tourist industry as a delicacy.

Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) is comparable to the size Ridginess crocodile, although on average a little inferior to him at length. Typically, the maximum length of males is about 6 meters.Widespread in Africa


Nile Crododile

Pattaya Crocodile

Crocodile Niger
Black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) , along with the Mississippi alligator is the largest representative of his family (according to some experts - the largest). The usual length of black caiman is about 4 meters, but according to some sources, that sometimes these caimans grow up to 6 meters. Like all other caimans, black caiman distributed in South America, in countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, etc.

Crocodylus Cataphractus

Crocodylus Intermedius

Alligator sinensis


Cuban Crocodile

Ridginess , sea, or saline crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) - considered the largest of modern crocodiles. Some extremely large adult males reach 7 meters in length. Often goes to the open sea, so he has earned one of his titles. Inhabits Ridginess crocodile in Southeast Asia and northern Australia.

Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus)
 is comparable to the size Ridginess crocodile, although on average a little inferior to him at length. Typically, the maximum length of males is about 6 meters.Widespread in Africa.

Marsh or mugger, or Maher (Crocodylus palustris)
 is also a very large crocodile, with a body length from about 4 to 5 meters. In marsh crocodile is a very broad face, which makes it a little bit like an alligator. Distributed throughout India, including neighboring countries.

Ostroryly, or the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)
 is one of the largest species. In rare cases, males of this species can reach about 6 feet. The basis of its diet is all sorts of waterfowl livestock (mostly fish). Sometimes the attacks and small mammals.
Inhabits ostroryly crocodile in northern South America, Central America and southern United States.

African uzkoryly crocodile (Crocodylus cataphractus)
 lives in Central and West Africa. The length of the crocodiles of this species is usually Oklo 2,5 meters, but sometimes it may reach 4.

Orinoksky crocodile (Crocodylus intermedius)
 distributed in Colombia and Venezuela. A very large crocodile. The dimensions are about the same as that of ostrorylogo crocodile, whom he also resembles his narrow snout.

Crocodile Johnston or Australian uzkoryly crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni)
 quite small crocodile. Maximum length is about 3 meters long, usually as only 2. Distributed in northern Australia.

Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis)
 inhabits, as its name implies, the Philippine Islands.This is a small crocodile, whose maximum length is not more than 3 meters.

Central American crocodile, or alligator Morel (Crocodylus moreletii)
 is also relatively small scale form. Males usually reach about 3 mterov length. Distributed in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala.

New Guinea crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguineae)
 lives in New Guinea and Indonesia. The maximum length of males - approximately 3,5 meters.

Cuban crocodile (Crocodylus rhombifer)
 dwells, respectively, in Cuba. This medium-sized crocodile. Their average length is about 3.5 meters, but occasionally reaches and 5 meters.

Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis)
 lives in Southeast Asia, in countries such as Indonesia, Cambodia, Brunei, etc. Length of about 3-4 meters.

Roundnose or African dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis)
 distributed in West and Central Africa. Length is less than two meters. The maximum recorded length roundnose crocodile - 1,9 meters (according to some sources).

Mississippi, or the American
(Alligator mississippiensis)
Mississippi, or the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) vies with black Cayman for the title of the largest representative of the family Alligatoridae. The length of adult males is normally 4-4,5 meters, but in exceptional cases, according to some sources, may reach more than 5 meters.Jaws strong and wide. Distribution: southern USA.

Chinese alligator
(Alligator sinensis)
Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis) , together with the Mississippi alligator is the genus Alligator.This is the only member of the family Alligatoridae, living in the Old World. The usual length of Chinese alligator is about 2 meters.

Black caiman
(Melanosuchus niger)
Black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) , along with the Mississippi alligator is the largest representative of his family (according to some experts - the largest). The usual length of black caiman is about 4 meters, but according to some sources, that sometimes these caimans grow up to 6 meters. Like all other caimans, black caiman distributed in South America, in countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Guyana, etc.

Croco, or spectacled caiman
 (Caiman crocodilus)
Croco, or spectacled caiman (Caiman crocodilus) distributed in Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guyana, French Guiana, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, etc. 

The length of the alligator caiman is usually 2-2,5 meters.

Shirokomordy caiman
(Caiman latirostris)
Shirokomordy caiman (Caiman latirostris) distributed in the northern part of Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. 
The maximum length of this species is approximately 3.5 meters.

Paraguayan or yakarsky
caiman (Caiman yacare)
Paraguayan or yakarsky caiman (Caiman yacare) reaches 2,5-3 meters in length. Widespread in the southern part of Brazil, northern Argentina, Paraguay and southern Bolivia.

Dwarf, or gladkoloby caiman
 Cuvier (Paleosuchus palpebrosus)
Dwarf, or gladkoloby caiman Cuvier (Paleosuchus palpebrosus) lives in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, etc. 

The length of this small caiman is about 1,5-1,6 meters, making it the smallest member of the order 

Dwarf, or gladkoloby caiman
Schneider (Paleosuchus trigonatus)
Dwarf, or gladkoloby caiman Schneider (Paleosuchus trigonatus) actually, if you think, not really a dwarf. The usual length of the caiman is about 1,7-2,3 meters, but occasionally it may reach 2.6 Murtha in length.

Gavial (Gavialis gangeticus)
Gavial (Gavialis gangeticus) has the most specific appearance among modern crocodiles. Until recently it was considered the sole representative of the family gavialovyh (Gavialidae), survived to the present day. However, recently scientists have come to the conclusion that 
the false gavial is also a representative of the family.

Gavial is one of the largest crocodiles in the world. At length, he usually does not yield to such monsters as Ridginess and Nile crocodiles. However, its long and slender jaws, bristling with long and thin teeth are only suitable for fishing, which is the basis of the diet gavial.

Inhabits gavial in India, Nepal, Pakistan and neighboring countries.

Gavialovy crocodile psevdogavial
or false gavial (Tomistoma schlegeli)
Gavialovy crocodile psevdogavial or false gavial (Tomistoma schlegeli) , as its name implies, is very similar to gavial. For a long time, scientists believed it representative of a family of crocodile (Crocodylidae), and its similarity to gavialom - convergence. Currently, however, zoologists compare him with gavialom and placed in one of his family - Gavialidae.
The maximum length of a false gavial - about 5 meters.
 Occurs in Indonesia and Malaysia.